By Ariana Finlayson
Right now, the walls in Kate and Willy’s and the Lion’s Den are rather bare and decoration-less. In The Lion’s Den, static-y radio is being played in the room while the news or some MTV show is being projected on a screen in the back. Put these elements with the slow service, and it screams for help.
“Less than 10 years ago, it used to be the place to be,” said Amy Boccamazzo, graduate assistant in Student Activities. “All the walls were decorated, and the events would sell out. We’re looking to bring a more cozy atmosphere to the space and making USA into the cool place it used to be.”
Looking at the place now, no student would ever think that USA used to be a happening place.
The new project for revamping Hofstra USA has been stemmed by Boccamazzo and her supervisor, Diane Perillo, Assistant Director of Student Activities. The project will take place over January and be finished in time for the start of the spring semester.
The newly decorated and revamped USA will target the older crowd on campus: 21 and over upperclassmen and graduate students.
Flyers have been sent around the University with photos of how USA used to look. Boccamazzo hopes to bring a T.G.I. Friday’s and Applebee’s décor into the building.Boccamazzo plans to go over to the Hofstra archives located on the west campus to collect old school photographs of students and buildings, as well as old sports memorabilia. She is also collecting movie posters and old records.
Along with the added decorations and atmosphere, a mini game room is in the plans where students can hang out while waiting for their orders. More tables and chairs will be around the bar area for students to actually sit down, and a throw back movie will be on the TV.
Also, each night will have a theme, such as a “Ladies Night,” “Guys Night” and “Grad Night.” Incentives will be given on these theme nights such as food and drink discounts for the table that wears the most University gear. Karaoke night is definitely in the works as well.
Further plans include opening up the space to campus clubs and organization to hold events and rehearsal runs.
“It would be great to have Imani do a practice run or have HFC show films in the lower level,” said Boccamazzo. “This way, we can divert people’s attention by giving them an alternative to pass the time.”
Due to the complaints on campus that the upperclassmen and graduate and law students are the forgotten bunch, Diane Perillo stresses that USA will be a destined place for the students and bring them lots to do.
“We want to bring back the 21 and over crowd,” said Perillo. “They can come and hang out here, bring the Happy Hour conversation with them, and if they follow the theme, get discounts!”
Although there will be hours of drink specials, USA will be monitored and open during normal restaurant hours. The Lion’s Den and Kate and Willy’s will remain in tact, just with added atmosphere.
“It’s a really great idea,” said Sammi Rozakis, senior business major. “It’ll get people to Kate and Willy’s and form more of a community. Also, I like the idea of encouraging older students to take part in the Hofstra community.”
Coming to USA after work and classes will take away from crossing Hempstead Turnpike, drinking elsewhere on and around campus, and finding a designated driver. Plus, on the cold winter nights what student wants to travel?
Students are encouraged to bring any Hofstra memorabilia or other items relevant to the project to the Office of Student Activities, care of Amy Boccamazzo. Feel free to stop by with suggestions and help as well.

Graduate assistant Amy Boccamazzo plans to bring back the old atmosphere of the campus restaurant.