By Andrew Benjamin
Four years ago, Jackass: The Movie was released in theatres. It grossed over $20 million in its first week of release and its total box office gross exceeded $60 million. Movie analysts were shocked by how well this movie performed. Of course, what was more shocking than the box office results was the movie itself. Jackass Number Two continues in the tradition of the first in that it’s just as sick, twisted, and outrageously hilarious all at the same time.
The Jackass crew (Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Preston Lacy, Wee Man, Dave England, Ryan Dunn and Ehren McGhehney) are all back and ready to dish out more self-mutilation, humiliation and dangerous pranks.What then can be said about a movie that has absolutely no plot structure, underlying themes or anything that remotely helps advance the art of cinema? In the case of this movie, it is simply that it is pretty hilarious from start to finish. The skits range from simple childish acts like “Medicine Dodgeball” to the more horrifying act of attaching a leech to Steve-O’s eye.
Why are such antics found so hilarious? Because they just are. There is no psychology behind it. Some could say that these guys are bringing out the inner child in us and that is why we laugh. The simple conclusion could also be that we just enjoy watching these adults going to the ends of the earth to hurt and degrade themselves purely for our entertainment. If anything is attempted by this movie, it is that it pushes our comfort zones. We see how much we can become unaffected by such acts in this film. Other than that, trying to find out why Jackass is funny would be just as productive as if Homeland Security spent millions on rubber ducks and built a wall with those ducks around the U.S. in order to protect us from an outside attack. The reality becomes that there is no point- it’s simply funny for what it is.
The most obvious fault of Jackass 2 is that there is too much of Bam Margera. One simply feels that he is mugging, or at least attempting to mug for, the camera. He simply wasn’t the right person for some stunts. This ties to complaint number two: There is too little of Chris Pontius and Steve-O doing skits together. Anyone familiar with Jackass, or their current series Wildboyz, knows these two have a chemistry and rapport that just works so well in many ways- namely, that both are downright riotous when they perform stunts together.
It goes without saying that this film is not for everyone. There are those who won’t stop laughing and those who will simply stare in horror and disbelief. Despite your outlook or opinion, you won’t forget about the movie.
Much like a horrible car accident, you look to see if there is any damage and never forget it once you’ve seen it.