By Julia Gardiner
– A University student wasquestioned when he broke aglass window in the Unispanwith his fist. A public safetyofficer followed a trail ofblood to Nassau Hall tolocate the student who wasgiven medical attention.
– A University student reportedon Sept. 18 that she losther bank card on or aroundSept. 3 and from that pointon someone had been illegallycharging the card inthe Uniondale area. Thecharges amounted to about$600. She did not find outabout the loss until Sept. 16and a report was filed withthe Nassau County PoliceDepartment.
– A University student reportedon Sept. 19 that he placedhis bag under a table in thecafeteria, went to purchasewater, and returned to findhis iPod missing.
– A University student reportedon Sept. 20 that while shewas at an off campus housea male University studentthreatened and locked her ina closet for several minutesafter she refused to have sexwith him. Police assistancewas declined and an investigationis underway.
– A University student wasissued a summons on Sept.20 in Colonial Square afterhe was discovered by publicsafety sleeping naked on acouch in the lounge.
– A University student wasissued a summons on Sept. 20in Hofstra USA after startinga mosh pit during a concert.While being escorted out ofthe building, he became agitatedand attacked a publicsafety officer.
– A University resident directorin the Netherlands reported onSept 20 that on Myspace.coma student stated that he had abutcher’s knife in his room. Ahealth and safety inspectionwas conducted and no weaponswere uncovered.
– A University student reportedon Sept. 21 that her roommatesstole $40 in food from alocked trunk and $25 from herwallet in Bill of Rights Hall.
– A University student wasissued a summons and arrestedon Sept. 21 after assaultinganother University studentwith two non-students duringa basketball game at the recreationcenter. A Universityadministrator attempted tostop the three male assailantsfrom leaving and wasshoved aside. Sherod Melvinand Kevin Jennings, 22, werebanned from campus andthe Nassau Country PoliceDepartment was notified.
– A University student reportedon Sept. 21 that upon returningto his vehicle in parking field6 he discovered that $3,000worth of golf clubs had beenstolen from inside his trunk.The Nassau County PoliceDepartment was notified.
– A University resident assistantreported on Sept. 21 thatshe smelled marijuana in aroom in Constitution Hall. Nostudents were present in theroom, but the smoke detectorwas covered, a fan was operatingwith deodorant behind it,and a towel was shoved underthe door. The resident wasidentified and will be issuedan appearance summons.
– A University student wasissued a summons on Sept.22 in Alliance Hall for burningincense.
– A University student wasissued a summons on Sept.22 in Utrec House for possessionof drug paraphernaliaand marijuana.
– Two University students wereissued summonses on Sept. 23after engaging in a physicalaltercation in Nassau Hall.
– A University student reportedon Sept. 23 that she receivedharassing calls and text messagesfrom her ex-boyfriend, anon-student who was bannedfrom campus.
– A University student wasissued a summons on Sept.23 for possession of a largequantity, at least 34 smallplastic bags, of marijuana inEnterprise Hall.
– A University student wasissued a summons on Sept.23 after verbally abusing aresident safety representativeafter she requested that heswipe into Twin Oaks.
– A University student wasissued a summons on Sept.24 for underage drinking inQuincy House.
– A University student wasissued a summons on Sept. 24for disorderly conduct afterurinating on a vehicle in theparking lot of Twin Oaks.