To the Editor:
I was positively baffled by your article, “Is This the End of Michael Moore?” which put forth the notion that somehow Michael Moore was Canadian. I don’t even know how one could find this to be true. Michael Moore was born in Flint, Michigan. He never changed his citizenship to Canadian status. He is occasionally clad with Canadian garb, a hat or a tee shirt, but I’m sure that doesn’t make him a citizen.
Furthermore, Michael Moore often makes his living by vocalizing his intended vote and influencing the votes of others. In 2000 he voted for Ralph Nader. In this recent election, he expressed his support for John Kerry. I’m pretty sure that in order to vote in a United States election, one must be an American. Though Moore is an overt lover of Canada and its better government, Moore himself – still not Canadian.
I am a writer, not a journalist, but a firm supporter in the practice of fact checking. Obviously, not much was done for this article. Michael Moore has expressed interest in making “Fahrenheit 9/11 1/2” and there are discussions underway already to start making this film. I imagine there is much more that Moore plans to do other than waiting around until 2008 and “analyzing this election to see what was done right and wrong.” He is a very polarizing figure and may have been a detriment to the Democrats in this election because by showing his support for Kerry, he perpetuated the notion that Kerry is too liberal. If Moore, being part of the more extreme left, supported him, it’s harder for moderates to let themselves be in that same group. He still did so much to motivate all of the (as Bill O’Reilly likes to classify them) “stoned slackers” to actually vote and I think we will see him be very active, protesting, making movies, being a voice for the left and the voice for hope that the liberal majority here in America (where he is a citizen) will be heard.
Liz RogersSophomoreFilm Major