By Tejal Patel
Baldwin-First precinct police officers responded to a call on Oct. 18 for a possible stolen auto being stripped at Highland Street. Officers observed a motor sitting in the rear of that location and requested that the first squad respond. The subsequent investigation led to the recovery of two stolen vehicles and the arrests of Mark Rios, 18, and Jhanny Infante, 18.
Bayville-John Rajotte, 20, while involved in a verbal altercation with a male victim, 19, on Oct. 20, picked up a restaurant sign in front of 14 Bayville Ave. and threw it at the victim, striking him in the face.
East Garden City-Tiffany Thongsy, 19, of Stockton, Calif. and Lisa Kurz, 26, of Freeport, offered to engage in sexual intercourse with an undercover detective at an area hotel on Oct. 18 for the agreed upon price of $600.
East Hills-A black female subject, described as in her 20s, withlight complexion, 5 feet 9 inches tall, thin build, wearing a long, dark coat, large rimmed sunglasses and a dark hat, entered the Bank of America on Westbury Road on Oct. 18, and passed a demand note to a teller. The teller complied and handed the subject an undisclosed amount of cash. The subject fled on foot through the front door heading westbound across the parking lot.
Hempstead-On Oct. 18, a supervisor at the Nassau County Department of Public Works notified the Nassau County Police Department that a noose had been found inside one of the garage truck bays. The noose had been attached to an interior fence of the bay.
-Oscar Reyes-Hernandez, 25, stabbed a 27-year-old male victim on Oct. 21. The victim suffered a laceration to his abdomen and was transported to Winthrop University Hospital where he was listed in critical, but stable condition.
-Antonio Patterson, 20, was shot at the Municipal parking lot on Washington Street and Cooper Street on Oct. 21. Friends of the victim transported him by car to the Nassau University Medical Center where he was pronounced dead.
Inwood-A black male subject, 40, described as 5 feet 7 inches tall, thin build, wearing a multi-colored sweater, black leather cap and sunglasses, entered the Washington Mutual Bank on Burnside Ave. and presented a demand note to a teller on Oct. 18. The teller complied and handed the subject and undisclosed amount of cash. The subject then fled to a blue four-door car that fled the parking lot in an unknown direction.
Jericho-The 65-year-old male operator of a 1999 Harley Davidson motorcycle, traveling westbound in the middle lane of the Long Island Expressway apparently lost control of and was ejected from the vehicle into the right lane, where he was struck by a westbound Honda Accord on Oct. 21. The victim was pronounced dead at the accident scene.
Roosevelt-Kingsley Brown, 43, shot a 29-year-old male victim in the head in front of his residence after an argument on Oct. 20. The victim was transported to Nassau University Medical Center in stable condition.
-On Oct. 17, a supervisor at the Town of Hempstead Highway Department notified the Nassau County Police Department of two nooses that had been attached to a forklift in the yard. Witness accounts indicate that one of the nooses, around a small green stuffed animal, may have been there for several months.
Uniondale-Anthony Brown, 19, and Mazen Marsh, 20, confronted a 16-year-old male victim on Oct. 17. Brown and Marsh pinned the victim up against a guardrail and threatened the use of physical force to steal the victim’s cell phone, an undisclosed amount of U.S. currency and some take-out food.
Valley Stream-Two male subjects, armed with a handgun, entered Gulf Mini Mart Gas Station and attempted to rob it on Oct. 20. As the subjects reached under the counter looking for money, the two gas attendants pushed the subjects causing them to fall to the ground. The subjects then fled the scene without proceeds. The first subject is described as a black male, 17 to 19 years old, 6 feet tall, average to heavy build, wearing all black, sunglasses and black and white bandanna around his face. The second subject is a black male, 16 to 18 years old, 5 feet 7 inches tall, thin build, braided hair, wearing a dark jacket, blue jeans, white and navy blue sneakers and a black ski mask.
-A construction site supervisor discovered a noose hanging from the front entrance door of a new building located at Green Acres Mall on Oct. 18. The door was propped open at the time and the noose was hanging from the top door hinge. Detectives ask anyone with information regarding the aforementioned crimes to contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-244-TIPS. All calls will remain anonymous.