By Cat Thoreson
“I actually like the new signs. I came for a tour over the summer to get a feel for the campus and it was nearly impossible to find any of the buildings. The new signs are amazing, because they are so straightforward.”
Kristine Pugh Graduate Student, English Asheville, N.C.
“I’m wondering where the peanut vendors and water slides are at, or how much it would be for a season pass to Gittleson. I feel like I’m at an amusement park instead of a university.” Ryan Wasienko Junior, Political Science Pittsburgh, P.A.
“The new signs are alright, not great not terrible. I like them because I’ve had to rely less on campus maps. Aesthetically though they do not compliment the look and feel of the University. They need an option that would have meshed more with the older more natural look of the buildings.”
Philip Robibero Freshman, Film Randolph, N.J.

Kristine Pugh

Ryan Wasienko

Philip Robibero