By Maggie Biunno
With the help of your fellow classmates, this week’s bunch of comments are some of the best yet!Maybe these students need to go to class a little bit more-and talk a little bit less.
On the Blue Beetle:Girl: Axinn has a hall and a library named after him-that’s nuts. I wonder what he did.On campus:Girl: (talking on cell phone) You’re in Miami? How long will it take? Four hours? Oh my God, Florida is that big?
On campus:Girl #1: Oh my God, my cousin is pregnant! That doesn’t make sense-she has been drinking so much…Girl #2: That’s not good…
On the unispan:Guy: Are you going to walk with me?Girl: What?Guy: Do you not approve of my speed?
In Dempster Hall:Member of the band “The Pack”: Is it true that all the girls here have mad STDs?Guy: I don’t know, man, but I’d wrap it up.
In prop construction class:Girl: I sewed this whole leather bag by hand. It hurt a lot.Professor: Did you use a leather needle?Girl: Yeah, but it still hurt a lot.Professor: Yeah, the thing with leather needles is-we’re made of leather, too, so they love to sew into us, too.
In the Student Center:Girl #1: What is Almost Tuna?Girl #2: I don’t know. Is that a Jewish thing? Like Kosher?Girl #1: No, I think it’s vegan.Girl #2: I bet it tastes nothing like tuna.Girl #1: Yeah… freaks.
On the Blue Beetle:Girl #1: I forgot to brush my teeth this morning.Girl #2: (laughing) I did, too!
On campus:Guy #1: Dude, we’re going to the bar at four.Guy #2: Man, I’m really tired-I just want to take a nap.Guy #1: Dude, stop being such a p****. Do some coke if you have to-we’re all going at four!