Progressive Students Union (PSU) held a “ribbon making party” in late September to create awareness of the International Day of Non-Violence, held on October 2nd in front of Hofstra Hall at 12:30 p.m.
The day was declared by the United Nations as a time to observe, reflect and unite with others.
“It was also Gandhi’s birthday,” said Michael LaFemina, graduate student and an intern for the center for civic engagement. “We decided the time between the 12:30 and 12:45 class people would be walking by and seeing what was going on, since we couldn’t schedule it during common hour.”
PSU also worked with Soka Gakkai International (SGI), a Buddhist network that actively promotes peace, culture and education through personal change and social contribution.
Exhibits organized by the Center for Civic Engagement on campus and sponsored by the UN and Soka Gakkai International are featured in CV Starr Hall until the end of October—one featuring the effects of nuclear war, and the other, peaceful resolutions to conflicts.