I am writing to express my deep disappointment in the Hofstra University Student Government Association for failing to pass two referenda on April 24, 2007. The first of these referenda concerned whether or not students would prefer to have Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) from the DC Comic Book Universe painted on the side of all Hofstra University Blue Beetle buses, as they coincidentally share the same name. The second of these referenda would have asked students whether or not they supported Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) and Booster Gold from the DC Comic Book Universe serving as the mascots for the Blue and Gold Initiative program, a student leadership program run by the Division of Student affairs that also, coincidentally, shares its name with the dynamic duo (there nickname is “Blue and Gold”).
However, due to the Student Government Association’s failure to pass these two referenda, students will never be able to voice their opinions on these very important issues. According to some members of the Student Government Association, these referenda were “not serious” or “not legitimate” enough to be shown to administration. Yet, isn’t it the students’ job to decide whether or not a referendum is serious or legitimate enough to be reviewed by administrators? If students felt that these issues should not be looked at by administration, they could have simply voted “no” during the two election days. I feel that it is not the Student Government Association’s place to assume what is or is not important to the students. In my opinion, it truly is a shame that these crucial questions will not be posed to the student body for a democratic vote.
Once again, Blue Beetle and Booster Gold will not receive the recognition and respect they deserve as they continue to be treated as nothing more than a joke. I ask you if said referenda dealt with costumed superhero Superman, would they have been so quickly denied by the Senate? I think not. So continues the prejudices of our society lobbied against third tier superheroes. My only hope is that students, despite the Student Government Association’s actions, take up these issues by fighting to see these referenda be placed on the 2007 Student Government Association Ballot on May 2 and 3, 2007.
———————————The writers, University seniors Lisa and Laura Giunta, submitted this letter on behalf of Maxwell Lord