I am writing in response to Jesse Webster’s “Letter to the Editor: SGA Needs to Fund Existing Campus Media, Not Promote New Ones.”
As the Vice President of Students for Life (SFL), incorrectly referred to as “Right to Life” in the letter, I felt I had a responsibility to correct the erroneous portrayal of my organization.
The most glaring falsehood is Webster’s claim that SFL is nothing but “a front organization whose top leadership mirrors that of the Republicans.” Our group was founded by a moderate Democrat, Meaghan Baldwin. Additionally, in regard to our current leadership, Webster’s assertion that “[Kathleen] Hunker is a highly active member of the leadership” is simply untrue. While Hunker is a member who attends events, she holds no office. However, I’m sure that if Webster was familiar enough with my group to at least know its actual name, he would have known this information.
Admittedly, the only legitimate link between SFL and the College Republicans is me, as I am the Vice Chair of the College Republicans. Despite this, SFL has co-sponsored only two events with the College Republicans: the Hurricane Katrina Relief Benefit and an event featuring an anti-death penalty speaker, in which SFL gave no financial assistance. Other than that, the College Republicans have not co-sponsored any event with SFL. Why? Simply put, they do not wish to associate themselves with the pro-life issue; like many Northeastern Republicans, many of the College Republicans are fiscally conservative and not socially conservative.
For Webster to simply assume that Hofstra’s pro-life organization must be connected with its Republican group is extremely narrow-minded. Such an accusation is as ignorant as saying that Hofstra’s Student Organization for Animal Rights is a “front organization” for Hofstra’s Organization for Progressive Empowerment; although both may share members in common, each club has a specific purpose that is vital to creating a dynamic Hofstra community. Likewise, SFL has an important purpose that is separate from that of the College Republicans.
To be quite candid, I care too much about the pro-life issue and SFL to use either as a “front” for money. I find such implications insulting to my character and the integrity of my group, which has worked very hard for three years and has earned its budget. Since we’ve been established, we have hosted many speakers, including former District Attorney Denis Dillon, representatives from Long Island’s Coalition for Life, and Serrin Foster, president of the Feminists for Life of America. We have also raised money for charity organizations like Momma’s House and Birthright, groups which provide assistance, comfort and options to single, pregnant women. None of the aforementioned involved the College Republicans.
I respect that Webster disagrees with the proposed legislation and decided to voice his opinion. However, I do not respect his false accusations about an organization that he has very little knowledge on and did not take the initiative to learn about. Such actions are mean-spirited and lazy, especially when SFL has absolutely nothing to do with the proposed legislation.
In the future, I hope Webster takes the time to investigate his claims before making similar insinuations.
Lastly, while I applaud the Chronicle’s willingness to publish all contributions, I would like to remind its staff of their obligation to ensure that the material printed is accurate. By running a story without investigating and correcting obvious mistakes, you perform a disservice to yourselves and every single reader you are misinforming. As the only news publication on campus, funded by the students, the Chronicle needs to take its responsibilities more seriously and validate any submission it receives. Otherwise, as one of my friends put it, the Chronicle might as well be called “The Rumor.”
Lisa Giunta is Vice President of Hofstra University’s Students for Life.