By Samuel Rubenfeld
While most students were busy studying for midterms the week of Oct. 20, the Student Government Association (SGA) held a fundraiser for student organizations at the Dizzy Lizard Saloon.
Billed as a “Dirty Disney” Halloween theme, the SGA sold 85 tickets at $5 each for Wednesday night, Oct. 22, to get into the bar. They raised $425 that night, which SGA President Peter DiSilvio said went straight into the contingency budget.
“This is the financial situation [SGA] is in,” he said. “Clubs are asking for literally millions of dollars, and we can’t provide them with anything.”
The SGA spent its “income” (money raised outside of its own budget) to hold the event. Its own contingency budget has been cut in recent years, as they give any spare money to student groups, DiSilvio added.
He said clubs sometimes, and regularly do, hold fundraisers off campus, so long as they aren’t advertised on campus.
“Our organization held this event to raise money for our clubs and organization (sic),” said Tammy Kim, the Public Relations chair, in a statement. “We did not violate any university policy. We did not promote and/or advertise the event on campus.”
These fundraisers are called annuals. “There is no University or Office of Student Leadership and Activities policy banning an organization form having an annual off campus and not advertise on campus,” said one senator on the condition of anonymity
The Dizzy Lizard Saloon still sold admission at the door, but the SGA did not get any of the profits from door sales.

SGA President Peter DiSilvio in his Buzz Lightyear costume dances with SGA Senator Robin Doublebower at the SGA’s ‘Dirty Disney’ annual at the Dizzy Lizard Saloon. (