As every semester draws to a close, doesn’t it seem that you always have either (a) way more money on your meal plan than you can use or (b) not enough to adequately nourish a chipmunk, let alone a human being? If you are in category (a), wouldn’t you like to see your money put to good use rather than wasting it on $3.50 juices or $40.00 packs of water (which comes free from the tap, FYI)? Last semester, I ended in the (a) category. The idea of spending $300+ frivolously on Lackmann’s overpriced food in the last couple weeks of the semester simply made me bitter, and I knew that I could find a better alternative for my money.
Better alternative found! I had Lackmann cater $300 worth of food for the Hempstead Interfaith Nutrition Network in place of wasting my money on $5.00 café lattes at Café on the Quad, $10.00 “specials” at Bits n’ Bites, and unneeded desserts. Lackmann’s catering service made buffet size pans of pasta, ready to be picked up on my command by a driver from the Nutrition Network. So instead of indulging myself on extras that I didn’t need or losing the money altogether, I helped feed the poor!
If you would like to strip Lackmann of the pleasure of keeping your unused meal money, feed the hungry, and simply feel good about yourself, you should look into this opportunity.
Alex Moore is a freshman photography and global studies student.