By Megan Norcross
Rich Fiore, a junior at the University, is someone that does not have a lot of extra time on his hands.
Born in the Bronx, Fiore spent the last 17 years of his life in Shelton, Connecticut.
Here at the University, he is majoring in political science and minoring in general business. He plans to get his BA in political science and attend a good law school.
“I’m very interested in all aspects of law, and I’d like to study criminal law and become a prosecutor someday,” Fiore says.
But, the activity he is most known for on campus is the Club Baseball team.
Fiore became involved due to his passion for the sport, but his disinterest in playing for Hofstra’s team.
“At the beginning of my sophomore year, I started the Club Baseball team at Hofstra, and I’ve built it up to become one of the most successful organizations on campus and also a very competitive baseball program,” Fiore says.
One day he would like to coach baseball at a competitive collegiate level, and finds this experience extremely educational in that respect.
“We have a great group of guys who all want to win,” Fiore said. “If everything goes as planned, we will make the NCBA World Series in Indiana at the end of May.”
For all you single ladies that are spending Valentine’s Day alone, Fiore happens to be one of the University’s most eligible bachelors.