By Megan Walsh, Staff Writer
Collegiate Link, located on the Hofstra Portal, is a new program that allows students to keep track of activities and community service participation, matches students with clubs they might be interested in and gives Hofstra clubs a way to keep organized. This announcement for the use of Collegiate Link came in “mid-September at [a student government] senate meeting” explained Executive Director for Student Leadership and Activities, Sarah Young.
Here is how students can set up Collegiate Link: students log onto their portal and click on “my apps” at the top of the page, which will then give them a list of links. The next step is to hit “collegiatelink student community” and fill in the personal information in the “My Interests” section located under the heading “My Involvement” heading at the top of the page. Students will then get a list of suggested organizations they may want to join at Hofstra.
“Collegiate Link enhances tools for Student Organizations, they will be better able to access their funds, manage rosters, have live discussions, gather feedback, share documents, and hold online surveys/elections,” said a letter from the Office of Student Leadership and Activities.
“It is a great way for people who haven’t gotten involved to do so. It’s like a facebook profile,” said Young.
Benefits of Collegiate Link include the opportunity for of Hofstra clubs to share information about club activities and connect the school events they find on the link to a personal Google calendar. “(In the Event Flyerboard section of the link) You just click on the flyer and scroll to the bottom to connect to the outlet calendar,” explained Young.
While Collegiate Link is an optional resource for students, Student Government Association (SGA) members are required to register, and anyone that is involved with a club is supposed to register.
Students needing additional help with the link can also go to the Hofstra Student Leadership website, contact the Office of Student Leadership Activities, located in the Student Center, or email [email protected].