By Grace Gavilanes
What is the appeal of this pursuit? This new, perfect online romance is between two people, unknown to one another, forming a relationship on a social networking site. This does not sound like a plausible story to tell your friends or family about your new encounter. The appeal is the thrill of getting to know someone new that, as far as you’re led to believe, has no flaws and is a perfect companion.
This low-key relationship could also lead to a subconscious form of cheating. Maybe one party does not constitute flirtatiously talking on Facebook chat for hours on end, and posting flattering photo comments a form of cheating. Maybe these actions serve as an escape to the perpetrator—a way to spice up his/her dull life and current relationship. Whatever the reason, it’s still an unexcused form of cheating.
Being in a relationship does not offer immunity from the power of Facebook, however. If you are prone to jealousy or find it excessively difficult to trust your significant other, then by all means, restrict yourself from publicly posting your relationship status on Facebook.
If you’re an avid Facebook user then you probably know several couples that have ended their relationship because of this popular social networking site. You have probably noticed endless wall-to-wall conversations taking over your newsfeed, revealing all of the turmoil of a supposed private relationship. It’s becoming clear that Facebook also successfully delivers infectious soap opera worthy drama. This drama, of course, stems from Johnny’s comment on Maria’s profile picture—a bit too overzealous, maybe? Some people refuse to admit it. Others feel like there is a type of Facebook etiquette attached to it.
Regardless of the stigmas attached, Facebook isn’t entirely to blame. We are, in reality, the true culprits. We choose how we want to maneuver the applications that are offered to us on Facebook. It is ultimately our decision if we want to pursue online dating or if we allow our jealousy and distrust to get the best of us.