By David Gordon, Managing Editor
The University’s Greek community has just grown by a group.
The Inter-Fraternity/Sorority Council (IFSC) passed Phi Delta Theta, a fraternal organization that boasts the likes of Lou Gehrig, Neil Armstrong and Roger Ebert, on Wednesday, March 17. The move came two days after the Inter-Fraternity Council (IFC) turned down the organization in a vote of 4-6.
According to Mario Bolanos, Assistant Director of Student Leadership and Activities, the IFC “felt that their focus should be more within the groups that are here presently, make sure that they’re strong, and then bring in new organizations.”
“We got passed through IFSC last Wednesday and now we are officially an interest group, working on the colonization process,” said Phi Delta Theta president Gregg Albaum. The executive board also consists of Vice President Mike Hershfield, Secretary Lukas Miedreich, Treasurer Julian Kowalczyk, Scholarship Chair James Wells, Phikeia Educator Bryce Cody and Recruitment chair Mike Gueli.
They are interested in making it a full-fledged chapter next semester, according to scholarship chairman James Wells.
Albaum came up with the idea last spring, when he was a freshman. “Unfortunately we weren’t able to get things started because of the freeze at Hofstra.” The freeze refers to a period of time when no new fraternities or sororities were allowed to be formed. “Before we start letting groups come in, let’s look at the bigger picture of what’s going on with the groups,” Bolanos said of the freeze. A taskforce consisting of Bolanos, members of the Greek community, administrators, faculty and public safety was created to do this.P hi Delta Theta is the first group to be passed post-freeze.
“When it comes down to it, the people we’re looking for are people of all skill-sets,” said Justin Dandoy, the Leadership Consultant for the national organization. “We want to bring in people who are sound academically. We also want people who are already involved on campus. We’re also looking for people who are athletically minded or business-minded.” The goal is to create a well-rounded organization.
Phi Delta Theta is currently looking for members, and anyone who is interested in joining can join the Hofstra Phi Delta Theta Interest Group on Facebook.

The first members of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity, recently passed by the Inter-Fraternity/Sorority Council. (Photo Courtesy Gregg Albaum)