By Ryan Sexton, Assistant Entertainment Editor
In Class:
Professor: What’s on the New Jersey state quarter?
Students: Trash
Guy: Snookie
Around campus:
Girl: you talk about poop 24/7 but god forbid I talk about my nipples
In Bits ‘n Bytes:
Girl: I just read The Chronicle for Overheard at Hofstra
Watching the Olympics:
Guy: I’d stand there at the very end, naked, with a boner, and let her ski right into me.
In Class:
Student: Abraham Lincoln ended the silver war.
On the unispan:
Guy: Have you ever had CPK?
Girl: I had it once but it was in California so it wasn’t as good as New York pizza.
Around Campus:
Girl 1: Then he got all big brother on me
Girl 2: Well he is your big brother.