By David Gordon, News Editor
At the end of last semester, we bid farewell to Steve Cooney as he graduated and welcomed Lindsay Christ to the position of Editor-in-Chief. But, as John Lennon so wonderfully stated, “life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans.” Our dear friend Lindsay was offered and accepted a paying job at a local newspaper. We wish her the best of luck, hope she’ll stick around to put up with our shenanigans and welcome Ryan Broderick to the position of Editor-in-Chief.
Over the winter recess, Ryan and Sean M. Gates, our new photo editor, began the arduous task of renovating The Chronicle’s website, The final product is online now and it looks just wonderful. And we fully intend on updating it as much as possible, as well.
This semester, we plan to increase our web presence significantly. Along with the website, we have created a Hofstra Chronicle YouTube account (, a Flickr account for you to view more than just the photos that appear in print and Twitter accounts (@HUChronicle, @HUChronBsection and @HUChronSports). The Sports Twitter has live-blogged a number of on-campus sporting events already and the editors fully intend on continuing. (All of these are embedded into our site).
After a number of silly errors last semester, we’re stepping up our game. Ryan’s goal is a simple, attainable one. He wants to raise the impression that our 75-year old paper has in the eyes of the campus community. He wants for it to be cool to write for The Chronicle. Ours is the one and only newspaper on the Hofstra University campus (though others have surely tried) and we fully intend to make our readers proud.
We welcome anyone who has an interest in writing, taking photographs, copy-editing or helping to design The Chronicle to visit our office in Room 203 of the Student Center. We are also searching for people interested in working with the web to help update

(Ryan Broderick/The Chronicle)