By Myron Mathis, Special to The Chronicle
As we all know, Hofstra has again been selected to host a presidential debate. Why is this a momentous occasion for Hofstra University? I like to think it’s what we represent as a community. With faculty, staff, and students who are civically engaged, and relative closeness to New York City, the epicenter of protests, financial giants, and pop culture, it’s no surprise that Hofstra has become desirable to the public eye.
Hofstra encourages students to thoroughly engage in the political process. Classes take trips to the UN building, while several students have gone on their own to witness the Occupy Wall Street protests. Political clubs on campus are in full force and freshmen interest in the pre-law co-ed fraternity Phi Alpha Delta has increased. Hofstra also has a recently endowed law school and a great program called L.E.A.P. for undergraduate students to get the opportunity to eventually attend it.
Coming from Virginia, I decided to come here because of the countless opportunities. As Hofstra students, we can be close to the action here on Long Island and in New York City.
The looming debate presents an opportunity for me to meet other people equally intrigued by the democratic and political processes as I am. I want to meet people like the folks I encountered at Zuccotti Park who want a better education and future for their grandkids. I want to see the debaters talk about their stances on deer hunting and abortion. It would be a dream to see the debate live knowing one candidate will undoubtedly be, or remain, the president. Either way, history will be made.
I can’t wait to see if, after the debate, the next president will quickly implement real change that will benefit Americans.
What I hope to gain from the debate is a clear decision of whom to vote for. I’d like my first presidential vote to be one I’m proud of when I have grandchildren.Regardless of what party you support, it’s evident both sides anxiously await this event. Right now, I’m almost as excited about finding out who will be the Republican Presidential candidate as I am about the actual debate. Will it be the flip-flopping Mitt Romney or the woman with outlandish claims, Michelle Bachman?
The presidential campaigns are ones that never ceases to amaze me; the candidates follow the same obvious tactics yet the general populous seems oblivious to it.
Every election cycle, candidates start doing good deeds in swing states that are first to hold their primaries. They make sure their speeches support a far left or far right ideology to get the votes of the die-hard supporters of their respective parties.
Lastly, they wait until election time rolls around to go towards the middle of the political spectrum in order to pick up the moderate vote.
Regardless of their sometimes questionable tactics, I do believe the candidates have good intentions. Presidential candidates are patriotic people who want to help the plights of their fellow Americans. Whatever the outcome of the 2012 Presidential Debate may be, I’m proud to say my university, Hofstra University, was directly involved in the process which led to the election of the 45th President of the United States.