By Madeline Fish, Special to The Chronicle
Around the country, Americans are doing their part to promote breast cancer awareness month. The month stresses the importance not just for the women in our lives but the men also to be checked regularly because early detection is best. Being aware of family history is also very important, as breast cancer can run through the family.
Dedicating one month out of the year is a way of showing how important it is for woman to be giving themselves self-breast exams or getting a mammogram when necessary.
Breast cancer awareness month is particularly important here on Long Island due to high number of women with the disease. On Long Island, 1-in-9 women is diagnosed with the disease. This past weekend, more than 55,000 Long Islanders walked in American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer at Jones Beach. The event raised a total of $2,900,000 towards breast cancer research and the donations are still coming in.
Here at Hofstra, Greek life, different clubs, and sports teams have added their support by raising awareness. But is Hofstra University doing enough for this month? Schools around the country are setting up walks to raise money, having seminars for their employees and students on breast cancer awareness, and are using their resources to help raise awareness.
Hofstra is doing a lot to promote breast cancer month, but there can always be more. It has a very beautiful campus and it wouldn’t hurt to host a walk to raise money for breast cancer awareness. The school could also hold a seminar with medical professionals to talk to students and faculty about the importance of early detection. Hofstra definitely has the resources, it just needs more initiative.
The most important thing to know about breast cancer is that it no longer is considered a death sentence. More women survive this terrible disease every year, but a lot can be done to educate people to get breast exams. While there isn’t a cure for breast cancer yet, the month of October should continue to provide for those affected by the disease.