By By Jake Boly, Staff Writer
So far, I’ve supplied you with what I think is valuable information regarding calculating calories and finding the ideal macronutrient intake for you. In case you missed it, you can check out these articles online at
This week’s topic is a model for living a balanced life while still trying to achieve realistic goals: IIFYM, or If It Fits Your Macros. How many people have you heard say that you need to eat every two or three hours to keep your metabolism high?
So far, this myth has no bearing. In a report done by Lyle McDonald, kinesiologist and personal trainer, he stated, “eating more frequently does not – I repeat does not – stoke the metabolic fire.”
What about the myth of eating only certain so-called “healthy” or “clean” foods? Examples of this would be the Paleo diet or eating chicken, brown rice, and broccoli every day. But, what do these theories have to do with IIFYM?
These theories helped create IIFYM. This model is a way of dieting in which you have the power of moderation to fuel you towards your goals. When you have a set caloric limit and daily macronutrient goals, hitting these with foods you enjoy should be your main concern.
This theory is very easy to adjust to. By hitting your calories and daily macronutrients with things you enjoy, it takes off the stress of eating perfectly and helps keep you sane.
If you’ve hit your daily protein and fat goal with calories to spare, you can fill them with foods you desire without the fear of weight gain or guilt. This is where common sense comes in. A diet should not stress you out and be the most demanding aspect in your daily routine.
When applying this term it doesn’t mean go crazy and binge as long as you’re in your caloric limit. It states that, if you’ve eaten your daily macro minimums with calories to spare and want a slice of cake, go ahead and enjoy it!
I couldn’t imagine going back to my old eating habits of meals every two or three hours; it was too stressful on my daily routine. The fact is, most of us have never eaten this way until we read about it online, or heard a celebrity advertise it.
When you apply the knowledge I’ve supplied you with in regards to calculating your calories and macronutrients, the rest of is up to you. Hit your goals, use moderation, and enjoy food.