By Lisa DiCarlucci, Entertainment Editor
The tradition of female empowerment and fighting against violence towards women was once again continued and celebrated this year at Hofstra University. In honor of V-Day, the annual production of the Vagina Monologues was put on to raise money for the Nassau Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
Directed by Hofstra students Kelsey Moran and Hillary James, this year’s production was heart-felt and enthusiastic, as always, with each cast member showing a true passion for the cause and very little shyness about saying the word “vagina.”
The show began with three narrators, Nicole Burke, Erin McEwan and Jill Archibald, who managed to use the word “vagina” more times in a few minutes than anyone has probably said it in their entire lives. The comedy of the introduction, however, got a bit lost in their fast paced, solitary high-pitched tone, but you have to appreciate their enthusiasm. It’s also important to take into account that The Vagina Monologues is one of the only campus productions that features students with minimal to no acting experience. That being said, the performances were impressive overall.
Victoria Vullo was charming as an older woman embarrassed about her “down theres.” Her comedic, smiley approach to the character was refreshing, capturing the old woman’s innocence.
Georgia Andre’s british accent and comedic timing were flawless in “The Vagina Workshop.” The dialect helped to deliver the jokes and was a smart decision to keep.
Ashleigh Hardick passionately delivered a monologue about her “coochie snorcher” with a childlike playfulness that evolved into a sexual discovery. The monologue was truly heartfelt. Hardick spoke it in such a way that she allowed the audience to relive the memories with her. Her performance felt inviting, with a piece that can often make audiences uncomfortable with the intimacy of its content.
Serious props are given to Megan Foster for making some of the most outrageous noises ever heard on stage. It’s always appreciated when an actor completely throws themself into a role with reckless abandon to bring it to life.
Cassandra DeMarco delivered the monologue “I was in the room” with such incredible passion that the audience could not help but feel that they were in fact there in the room witnessing her granddaughter’s birth. DeMarco’s eyes took us to another place and certainly brought tears to the eyes of many.
The Vagina Monologues accomplished its yearly mission, bringing awareness to violence and making people unafraid to say, “VAGINA!”

Ashleigh Hardick in “The Vagina Monologues” (Laura Molinari/ The Chronicle)