By Jessica Lewis
An iPhone, Hofstra ID card and Visa Card were reported missing on Feb. 2 from a locker in the fitness center. An investigation is being conducted.
A member of the Plant Department reported on Feb. 2 that someone was shining a laser light at him from Stuyvesant Hall. When the room the light was coming from was determined, Public Safety responded and issued an appearance summons to the resident of the room and confiscated the laser.
A student told Public Safety that on Feb. 3 she parked her car in the Netherlands North parking lot at 1:30 p.m. and when she returned at 8:45 p.m. she observed a dent in the left rear corner panel.
While conducting rounds in Nassau Hall on Feb. 4, an RA smelled the odor of marijuana coming from a room. Public Safety was notified and responded to the location, when they entered the room they found two students inside the room and a pipe with marijuana residue being covered by a blanket. The pipe was confiscated and the students were both given an appearance summons.
Public Safety responded to a call on Feb. 4 that there was a drunk girl in the lounge on the 13th floor of Enterprise Hall. They apprehended the female, identified as a non-student, and took her to the HIC, where the NCPD was notified. The police responded and all parties were interviewed. Her parents were called and she was picked up by her father. She was banned from campus and a student was given an appearance summons for the actions of the guest.
A female student stated to Public Safety on Feb. 4 that while she was off campus at Dizzy’s, she got into a fight with a male, and he punched her in the face. She refused to identify the male. NCPD and an ambulance responded. When interviewed, the student refused to file a complaint and declined medical assistance. No further action was taken.
The odor of marijuana was smelled by a PSO on patrol on Feb. 4 in Constitution Hall. When the PSO entered the room, the resident of the room was found with a strong odor of marijuana and a marijuana cigarette was recovered. The resident was issued an appearance summons.
While on patrol in the Netherlands South parking lot on Feb. 5, a PSO saw a vehicle parked with the engine running and the odor of marijuana coming from inside the vehicle. When approached by Public Safety, two students and a non-student inside the vehicle admitted to smoking marijuana in the vehicle. The two students received summonses and the non-student was banned from campus.
On Feb. 6, Public Safety received an activated alarm in Au Bon Pain. When Public Safety responded they saw a male who was fleeing the Au Bon Pain and he dropped two bags which contained stolen merchandise. Public Safety caught up to the male, confiscated the two bags and took him to the HIC. When questioned, he stated that he was pledging a fraternity, Pi Kappa Alpha, and he was told that he needed to steal merchandise from the campus. He was issued an appearance summons for his actions, and an investigation is being conducted.