By Bea Arner
Special to The Chronicle
With social media continuing to have a growing influence, more and more people are creating blogs to share their interests with others. Sophomore Anna Bautista does this with her blog that combines photography and fashion.
Bautista, a photography major, is the founder and blogger of Lion Style (, a fashion blog inspired by fellow students at Hofstra. Her blog focuses Hofstra students whose individual styles stand out from the crowd.
“Being from California, I came from a high school where every day was like a fashion show,” says Bautista, who graduated from Orange County School of the Arts. “Fashion isn’t as important to students here, so it can be hard to find great style but I want people to realize that Hofstra isn’t just for pre-med or pre-law. People need to be brave and wear something completely different.”
When she sees personal style that stands out, she has no problem going up to someone and asking for their name and what inspires their fashion choices. “ I’ve never had a student say no. They’re very complimented when I ask to take their picture. Most of the subjects are surprised because they weren’t expecting it and they don’t even realize they’re fashionable. They just wear what they’re comfortable in.”
Bautista’s love for fashion began at a young age. “I remember in sixth grade for career day, I decided to be a fashion designer and here I am now,” she says.
Photography is also an important element to her blog. “My blog was originally for me to just take notice of the clothes, but it’s also turned into photography of the clothes,” she says. “It actually helped me realize I was a good photographer and that’s why I’m a photo major now.”
With over one hundred followers, Bautista isn’t too worried about her view count. She admitted that although she doesn’t post every day, she still knows that her blog has a future. “The more I post, the more followers I attract.”
So how exactly does Ms. Bautista decide what goes on her blog? “Fashion is something you can just see. When someone walks on campus, you know that the clothes someone wears is an extension of their lifestyle.”