By Amber Qalagari
Dear President Obama,
After months of campaigning–in your case the last year of your first term–you’ve been given a second chance as the President of the United States. Congratulations on winning the election despite one seemingly insurmountable obstacle: your past record. As your slogan suggests, we should all look “forward” to your next four years in office. Because quite frankly, looking at your past four is too discouraging.
While you enjoy the ego satisfying outcome of Tuesday night’s election remember that it was a close race. Mitt Romney may not have gotten the chance to lead our country, but many Americans support his policies. The small margin of people that allotted you the majority vote should be a reminder that approximately half of Americans are opposed to your plans.
America is still severely divided. Your next four years need to be that of compromise and cooperation, not a push for the same extreme policies that will only create more division. Our country is burdened with a serious national debt and hindering unemployment that will continue to destroy our progress if a bipartisan solution is not found.
You promised to be a president to all Americans, so listen to the voices outside of your own echo chamber. Be conscious of the fact that you are pulling from the pockets of citizens who are opposed to your more expansive government.
In addition to domestic issues, there is a strong concern for our relations far away from American soil. As commander in chief, the state of our foreign affairs is in your hands. Don’t let those who died for our country have died in vain. Remember, the attacks of Libya happened under your command, it’s time to take a stand against those that threaten our country’s safety instead of merely trying to avoid a conflict.
Regardless of who is president, the next four years will not be easy. There needs to be a compromise reached between both houses of Congress, but the solution must start in the Oval Office. Don’t make the next four years a repeat of the last; this time let’s start with keeping the promises you make. You asked for more time and you got it. So godspeed, Mr. President, it will be the last four years you will ever get.