By Emily WindramStaff Writer
Hofstra introduced a course titled “Harry Potter and Philosophy” for the spring semester, a class that targets the generation that grew up with the worldwide acclaimed characters of the Harry Potter franchise. It requires no prerequisites and is open to all grades. Although the series is complete and fans have moved on to college and beyond, the lessons in the Potter series still ring true.
The class will examine specific examples from the books such as Horcruxes, “purebloods” and magic spells, and dissect the philosophical issues behind them. Students will learn to interpret such concepts as good and evil, the connection between the body and mind, and life and death. The course is a chance for devoted fans to analyze the classic series in a deeper way.
“Harry Potter is an example of fiction mingling with truth,” explained Anthony Dardis, the professor for the course. “These are fictional stories with themes that are quite real. ‘Wand magic’ may not exist, but the underlying magic of causation does.”
The class will be taught on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:20-3:45 p.m., and will still be rather experimental. Professor Dardis hopes to shape the future of the course based on the specific interests of the first class.
Although the course has yet to begin, the response from the student body shows promise. Every spot in the class was filled by the end of senior registration on October 15.
Any students who missed their chance this year should not be too disappointed. Dardis expects the course to be a long-lasting part of the Hofstra curriculum. Any student who is interested in philosophy, literature or an intellectual take on childhood nostalgia should seek this unique opportunity.