By Jessica Lewis, Managing Editor

Approaching graduation, I can honestly say that I have had a great four years, but I’m a little disappointed in myself. Not because my grades are horrible or because I didn’t learn enough, but because I’ve realized how much of the Hofstra community I do not know.
During my time here, I joined clubs and left clubs, but The Chronicle was always a constant. Joining in my freshman year, every Wednesday I have ever known at Hofstra was spent in The Chronicle office working until the early morning. There were times that I hated devoting my Wednesday nights to the newspaper as opposed to going out with friends, buttoday I realize I wouldn’t want it any other way.
It was in this office that I learned some of the most valuable skills that I will take with me into my career, it was here that I pushed myself to achieve more and it was here that I met some of the best people I will ever have the pleasure of knowing.
When the Student Government Association proposed new office arrangements last week, The Chronicle was one of several clubs affected. None of us were ready to let go of this office and we were determined to keep it.
We worked together with various clubs to create our own office layout. We listened to everyone’s concerns and suggestions and in the end made sure everyone was happy. Every club made compromises, agreed to share spaces and had high hopes that our proposed plan would work.
As stressful and time consuming as this process was, I’m glad it happened. I got to know so many new people, learned about clubs I’ve never even heard of and worked with these people to achieve a greater good.
As enlightening as this all was, it left me wondering why students only join together in the time of a crisis. While I am still unable to answer this question myself, I’m glad that what could have potentially been a disastrous experience instead became an opportunity to work together.
This past week opened up my eyes to a whole new Hofstra. For the first time I felt the “college community,” we were always promised. I regret that it took me a month until graduation to discover the rest of the Hofstra world.
With graduation less than a month away, it’s a little late for me, but I urge you all to embrace your classmates – and not just in time of a predicament.