By Compiled by Chronicle staff
Two students reported to Public Safety on March 7 that while walking between Constitution and the Graduate Residence Halls, a bag of trash was thrown at them from a window. They were then verbally harassed by two persons from the window. Public Safety found nothing after searching the room.
Public Safety responded to a fire alarm set in Salem House on March 7. While searching the building, they found that one student failed to evacuate. After Public Safety reset the alarm, the student and house residents were let back in. The student received an appearance summons.
A student reported to Public Safety on March 7 that when he returned to his parked car in the Breslin lot, he found a large dent on the driver’s side. Police assistance was declined.
Public Safety received a report of the odor of marijuana coming from a room in Nassau Hall on March 7. When they responded, Public Safety entered the room and found it occupied by six students with a marijuana grinder. The students admitted to smoking and received an appearance summons.
While on rounds on March 8 in Constitution Hall, an RA reported the odor of marijuana coming from a room. Public Safety entered the room and found one resident and three non-students with cans of beer. No marijuana was recovered and the alcohol was confiscated. The resident received an appearance summons and the non-students were banned from campus.
A student reported on March 8 that when he returned to his parked vehicle at the Breslin lot he found key scratch marks on both the driver and passenger doors. Police assistance was declined.
While conducting rounds in Suffolk Hall, an RA reported the odor of marijuana coming from a room to Public Safety on March 9. Public Safety entered and found two students with a marijuana grinder and a pipe containing marijuana residue. The students received an appearance summons.
During a health and safety inspection on March 9, a residential life representative found three knives in a room in Rotterdam House. Public Safety confiscated the knives and the student received an appearance summons. The student received an appearance summons.
A student in Amsterdam House reported she was verbally harassed by two female students after asking them to turn down their music at around 2:15 a.m. on March 9.
A student attempted to remove a wheel immobilizer boot from his car after illegally parking it in the Breslin lot on March 12. He received an appearance summons for his actions.