By Shannon Nia AlomarSTAFF WRITER
As Hofstra approaches its final days of the fall semester final exams, sleep deprivation and stress are the main elements haunting students. The Office of Student Leadership and Activities (OSLA) is providing students an outlet to relax during the week, if only for a moment, from yoga in the plaza rooms to free food in the Student Center Atrium.
Stanley Cherian, orientation director and OSLA associate director, noticed that this program has been helpful for students for the past few years.
“This is the third year during which we have held the program called Stressbusters,” said Cherian. “The programs that our office sponsors serve to alleviate some of that [finals week] stress by encouraging students to take care of their mind and body. I think our posters for the series sums it up well when we say ‘Eat. Study. Relax. Repeat.’”
Some of the other events that students are looking forward to are the massages and pet therapy.
For two years, Christina Merone, a junior broadcast journalism major, has made sure she was in line for the massage sessions and to snag a lunch from the grab-and-go table in the Atrium.
“The massages were helpful because I was really tense and they helped to make my muscles feel super relaxed. Afterwards, I just felt better in general,” Merone said.
Jenny Rowe, a junior public relations major, explained that her hectic schedule does not even allow her time to stop by any of the events. But if she was able to go, Rowe should she would definitely be up to getting a massage to help ease her tension.
Pet therapy is normally a “fan-favorite” as well, but contrary to popular belief, there were dogs, not puppies at the event, according to Cherian.
“Somehow, some students were under the false impression that there were going to be puppies at the event. Our office never alluded to puppies in advertisements or correspondence. Having puppies at such an event would be impractical, as they are not trained to be handled or be around so many people. Again, I think it was an isolated incident and the students made false assumptions,” Cherian said.
However, some students are not so thrilled to attend Stressbusters activities, whether there are promised interactions with puppies or not.
Peter Rubio, a senior English major, claimed that waiting in line for the events would only bring him more stress and anxiety, and he does not feel the events provide him with the support to conquer his final exams.
“I don’t know about other people, but standing in long lines for extended periods of time does not ease my stress, and petting a dog feels good, but it will not help you pass your test,” Rubio said.
Isaiah Washington, a junior health science major, also agreed with Rubio’s sentiment in regard to the Stressbusters not appealing to him. For Washington, the event is less appealing because he is not “overly stressed” during finals time.
“I do not attend the Stressbusters because I tend to focus on my school work. I am a person who prepares in advance for my finals,” Washington said. “It is just like the other tests you take, it is just the final one you will take for the semester … People like to cram and that is what stresses them out. And if they were not paying attention all semester and try to teach themselves everything now, they are just living in a fool’s paradise world.”
Overall, OSLA has stated they continue to present students with these opportunities because they believe it helps to build a sense of community and send a message that the University cares about its students’ well-being.
Stressbusters will be held until Dec. 18. Events will be posted on the OSLA website and Hofstra events calendar.