Compiled by Ehlayna Napolitano
On Oct. 23, a student reported that an ID and a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses were missing from a seat in Breslin Hall where they were left for a short period of time while the student was away.
A student’s iPhone was left on a table at Bar Social on Oct. 24. NCPD responded and a police report was filed.
An RA in Suffolk Hall reported smelling an odor of marijuana coming from one of the rooms. On Oct. 24 PS responded and found marijuana residue in the room. Summonses were issued to three students.
A loud party was reported in Estabrook Hall on Oct. 24. PS responded and found 10 people and an open bottle of alcohol in the room. The two residents were issued summonses.
A PSO observed a smoke-filled vehicle containing three people on Oct. 25. Upon inquiry, a grinder and two glass pipes were discovered in the vehicle. The individuals were identified as a Hofstra student and two non-students. The student was issued a summons and the two non-students were banned from campus.
On Oct. 25, a student reported that an object was thrown through a window in Hammer Lab, breaking the window. A search was conducted, which proved negative and a work order was filed for the damage.
A PSO saw a non-student attempting to enter the party through an exit in Hofstra USA on Oct. 26. The non-student was escorted to the HIC, where he then attempted to run. A different PSO stopped him and returned him to the HIC, where he was then banned from campus without further incident.
Four men were observed in a parked vehicle on Oct. 26 by a PSO, who smelled marijuana through the open windows. One student was issued a summons and the three non-students were banned from campus.
An RSR in the Nassau-Suffolk complex reported on Oct. 26 that a non-student tried to get into the complex without presenting proper ID. When asked for ID, the non-student began to scream at the RSR. The resident he was attempting to visit then came out and also began yelling at the RSR. The non-student was banned from campus.
A Student Center manager saw a student remove two items from Dutch Treats without paying for them on Oct. 26. The student was issued a summons.
On Oct. 26, a faculty member reported that an iPad was removed from a vehicle parked next to Gittleson Hall.
PS responded to Tilburg House on Oct. 27 after a report of marijuana being smelled. Upon arriving, PSOs discovered an unconscious male non-student. NCPD transported the student to NUMC and the resident was issued a summons for the actions of the guest.
NUMC requested a transcript of a student on Oct. 27. PS responded and it was discovered that the person it was needed for was not a student. This person was then banned from campus.
On Oct. 27, a student reported that a car parked in Suffolk lot was discovered to have footprints and scratches all over it when its owner arrived. Police assistance was declined.
A student reported that on Oct. 28, after hosting a party at his off-campus residence, he discovered that his MacBook, iPad, Hofstra ID card and driver’s license were all missing. Hempstead Police were notified and responded to file a report.
A student being visited by her friend became rude on Oct. 28, prompting the other student to leave. However, upon realizing that she had forgotten her license, the latter returned to retrieve it. The hostile resident then became verbally abusive. She was issued a summons.
SCS reported that on Oct. 18 a student downloaded copyrighted information. The student was issued a summons.
A PSO saw a student trying to enter CV Starr after it had closed on Oct. 28. After requesting a ride, the student was told to ride the night shuttle. The student then became verbally abusive. The student was issued a summons and then directed to the night shuttle for a ride home.
On Oct. 29, a Hofstra tow truck reported putting an immobilizer on a student vehicle parked in a faculty spot. When the tow truck driver returned, the boot and the car were both gone. A summons will be issued to the student.
A vehicle failed to stop at an entry gate and swipe to get in on Oct. 29. The vehicle was stopped and instructed to swipe. The driver then became verbally abusive with the PSO and was issued a summons.