By Compiled by Julia Gardiner
n The manager of Dutch Treats reported on Nov. 23 that three unidentified students took food and fled the store without paying for it.
n Non-student Iain Campbell of England was found by a public safety officer on the 6th floor of Vander Poel Hall on Nov. 23 passed out, face down from over consumption of alcohol. The Nassau County police were notified and the man was taken to Nassau University Medical Center for treatment.
n A University student was issued an appearance summons for verbally abusing her suitemate, a residential assistant, because of the actions that were taken against her after an illegal party on Nov. 23.
n A University student reported being sexually assaulted in her room by a male student on Nov. 23. The student met with the Nassau County police, but no charges were filed.
n A University student was issued a summons for lewd behavior when he and two other males were discovered urinating in plain sight in the Hofstra Club parking lot on Nov. 24. Two non-students, Jonathan Saeze, 19, of Bayshore, N.Y., and Atif Stevenson, 19, also of Bayshore, were banned from campus.
n A University student received a summons on Nov. 25 after the smoke detector in his room was set off, triggering the fire alarm with marijuana smoke.
n A University student was issued an appearance summons for giving her ID card and room key to a non-student on Nov. 26. Five non-students, Caitlin Burke, 18, of Bellport, N.Y., Rachel Fitz, 19, of Medford, N.Y., Stephanie Cunningham, 19, of Medford, N.Y., Jackoline Tirelli, 19, of Brookhaven, N.Y., and Daniel Derby, 19, of Brookhaven, N.Y., were caught jumping the gate at Colonial Square East and were banned from campus.
n A University student was issued a summons on Nov. 26 for the actions of his guest, Matthew Breunig, who was caught urinating in the courtyard of Twin Oaks and fled.
n Three University students received summonses for alcohol violations in their room in Vander Poel Hall on Nov. 27. Non-students John Eaton, 21, of Salem N.H., Daniel Fitzmeier, 21, of Westbury, N.Y., and an underage female of Mineola, N.Y. were banned from campus.
n Three University students were issued summonses on Nov. 27 for having duct tape over the lock on the door of their room
n Three University students were issued summonses for setting off fireworks in Colonial Square near Jamestown House on Nov. 28.
n A University student was issued a summons for threatening an RSR in Vander Poel Hall that he was planning to physically abuse her friend on Nov. 28.
n A University student reported his iPod and ID card missing on Nov. 28 after he left them unattended on the floor of the Recreational Center during a basketball game.
n A University student was issued a summons on Nov. 29 when a student reported receiving harassing text messages from the male who he has made complaints about in the past.
n A University student was issued an appearance summons after an administrator witnessed him exiting Hampton House and throwing a glass beer bottle against the wall on Nov. 29.
n A University student reported that $50 was removed from her purse in her room in Constitution Hall while she was on a trip to the bathroom on Nov. 29.
n A University student was issued a summons for allowing his female guest to enter Twin Oaks without swiping in on Nov. 29.