To the Editor:
I was deeply disappointed in the numerous errors in Lauren Silver’s article on Students Against Injustice that appeared in the Sept. 30 edition of The Chronicle.
The biggest error in reporting came during the description of our now finished campaign against Citibank. She states, “Unfortunately, some students, especially those from out-of-state, have had difficulties, as they switched to Citibank specifically because it was on campus. Without easier access, these students have had a harder time making financial transactions on campus.” Difficulties? As SAI, we had brought a choice in banking onto campus. The Nassau Educators Federal Credit Union ATMs did not replace Citibank ATMs, or any of Citibank’s services or availability to students.
I made it clear when interviewed that we had brought CHOICE to the students of the University. Citibank ATMs are still on campus. Students can bank with Citibank exactly the same now as they could in the past. I feel that Ms. Silver painted SAI as an enemy of the students; a group that has made it difficult for students to make decisions with their money.
It’s the job of The Chronicle to inform. It says just that in your heading. Lauren Silver did nothing but misinform the University about Students Against Injustice. I ask all Hofstra University clubs to examine her article and my letter. They can then decide whether or not they want their club to ever appear in the pages of your newspaper.
Hugh Anderson
Member of Students Against Injustice