By By Leesa Oberholzer
Residents of Bill of Rights are venting their frustration after a disruptive series of fire alarms last week.
The building’s fire alarms sounded three separate times during a five-day span and, coming at around 8:30 a.m., 3:30 a.m. and 4:15 a.m., the noise roused many from their sleep.
“Every time the fire alarm went off, it always woke me up at a horrible time and that just set the tone for my whole day,” said Angela Trotta, a freshman who lives on the sixth floor of Bill of Rights.
A posting in the building reported that the HVAC system and heating ducts triggered the most recent alarms, prompting an angry response from residents.
“When is the problem going to be fixed with the heating system because I am sick of fire alarms and they are disrupting my study patterns,” Elana Lehrer, a freshman, said.
University Director of Residential Life Sean Burke tried to ease tension surrounding the situation.
“Every time a problem like this arises, Public Safety immediately calls mechanics and they are brought in to correct the issue,” he assured.
He added there was “no specific problem with the HVAC system that prompted numerous fire alarms,” but they are looking to solve the problem.
Students hope they have seen – and heard -the end of HVAC malfunctions in Bill of Rights, though they should still be aware that hair dryers, hair straightners, various heating devices and even shower steam can trigger fire alarms in dorms.
“I’m sick of everyone seeing me in my pajamas, hanging out in the Student Center at 4 a.m.,” Ashley Ratka, a freshman dance major said, who lives on the building’s eighth floor.