Jenna Grasso
Staff Writer
The last weeks of the semester are here and cramming for finals and getting all the final essays and projects turned in is the most stressful part of the year. All you have on your mind is the summer and how those three months are so close. For seniors it is a different kind of anxiety, and for freshman, sophomores and juniors there is a feeling of relief until the next semester begins again. There are always ways to make the best of the summer break, or for seniors the best of leaving college and beginning your career.
Graduation is so close and you can almost taste the satisfaction of finally being done with all those unnecessary essays and projects, but finding a job and knowing what you’re doing with the summer, and possibly the rest of your life, is an extremely stressful time. Applying for jobs is key, but also enjoying a little bit of time to yourself is very important. In the end, do not stress that much. You will eventually find a job and be working or going to graduate school. Just remember to constantly apply for jobs and look for different opportunities in jobs. You can always do more with your degree than you think. Look for other jobs that you are capable of doing but wouldn’t think to apply for and see what happens. But remember to enjoy what you have accomplished – graduating from college is a huge achievement, and regardless of whether you have a job, you should be proud that you were able to finish with a degree.
For freshman, sophomores and juniors, internships or just relaxing for the summer are your main priorities. If you’re doing an internship, concentrate and try everything that they offer you to do. You want to make the most of this opportunity and truly consider if you can see yourself doing this as a career. It is a time to learn but also a time to come to conclusions about whether you are in the right field. Also, enjoying the summer and relaxing before the next semester is important. Make sure to relax so when you come back to Hofstra in September you are rejuvenated and ready to put all your effort into that semester.
Summer break is a bittersweet time for seniors who may not be coming back in the fall, but it is a time for everyone to relax and enjoy the weather that we have been longing for all winter long. So, whether you’re a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior, summer is the best time to relax and be with your family and rejuvenate for the fall semester!