September of 1964 was exciting for Hofstra University. Robert Kennedy made the University a stop during his campaign trail for New York Senate. Jeanne Quinn, a junior, was vying for the Miss World title and The Chronicle had just received the All American Award, the highest possible award for a university newspaper. Below is the article about Robert Kennedy stopping at the University:
RFK To Speak Here on His Campaign TrailVisted HU During 1960
Robert Kennedy, former US attorney general and current candidate for the US Senate and current candidate for the US Senate from New York, will address what is expected to be a “record-breaking” crowd of Hofstra students tomorrow at 3 p.m. in the Playhouse.
Only Hofstra Students will be permitted to attend tomorrow’s speech, and must present a validated bill for admittance.
This is Kennedy’s second appearance on the Hofstra campus. He spoke before the student body in 1960 while campaigning for his brother, the late President.
His appearance is sponsored by the Student Council, the Political Affairs Club and the Hofstra chapter of New York Students for Johnson, Humphrey and Kennedy.
Seventh of NineKennedy was born in Boston on Nov. 20, 1925, the seventh of nine Kennedy children. In 1943, he was graduated from Milton Academy and enlisted in the Navy V-12 officer-training program. At this time, his brother, the late President was stationed in the Solomon Islands.
After the war, Kennedy entered Harvard, and went on to the University of Virginia Law School from which he received his law degree in 1951.
When John Kennedy took his seat in the Senate, his younger brother joined the staff of the investigating subcommittee headed by Senator Joseph McCarthy. In 1954, he joined the Senate committee investigating labor-management relations, while continuing to help his brother handle political affairs. When the late President was elected in 1960, Robert Kennedy became the Attorney General. He resigned after making the decision to accept the Democratic nomination for senator from New York.
Other CollegesThe candidate will go on to speak at Adelphi University and Post College after his speech at Hofstra. He has been touring extensively throughout the country. Kennedy carried his campaign to New York City, spending most of last Wednesday greeting and talking to New Yorkers and tourists.
Keating to SpeakIt has been recently learned that Senator Kenneth Keating will speak next Thursday at 3 p.m. in the Playhouse. The invitation was extended by National Students Association, a branch of Student Council.
Keating, who is running on the Republican ticket for re-election to the U.S. Senate from New York State, has been traveling throughout the state and, along with Kennedy was campaigning in New York City last Wednesday.

The front page of The Chronicle on September 24, 1964.