By By Jeanine Poggi
After months of protests and debate, the University decided not to renew its exclusive contract with Coca-Cola.
Instead it entered into non-exclusive beverage agreements with Lackman Culinary Services and Vendlink, effective this September. The new agreements will allow the distribution of a variety of beverages on campus, Melissa Connolly, assistant vice president of University Relations, said.
The new brands of beverages, including Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Gatorade, Snapple, Poland Spring, Red Bull and Tropicana, among others, will be sold in dining venues and the more than 140 vending machines across campus.
“Over the course of last year President Rabinowitz heard the message,” Connolly said. “People want a choice of what they want to consume.”
The agreements the University made are compatible for finance and for choice, she said.
According to a statement released by the University, “The University’s competitive bidding process resulted in greater choice for its students, faculty and staff while at the same time ensuring favorable financial terms for the University and competitive prices for the consumer.”