To the Editor:
The current conduct of the SGA in this school is shameful. As a member of the Judicial Branch, and an outsider to Senate, I can’t believe the amount of personal vendettas and internal bickering that occur in this organization. The way our student run government has been affected by these dealings is disgraceful. All three branches of the SGA have, since September, come under some form of partisan nonsense that has stalled normal proceedings and would be deemed completely unprofessional in any other environment. The SGA cannot function like this. If every other week, we must deal with a personal attack on one member, or an impeachment charge on another, how are we to focus the correct amount of time on matters concerning the students? You know, the people we’re suppose to be representing? Members of SGA, whether you are judicial, legislative or executive, remember what our jobs are supposed to be. We’re supposed to be helping the students and clubs, not submerging each other in threats of judicial action and attacks on character. Elections are coming up soon, is this how you want the people to see you? I plead that we stop this madness now.
Justice Billy Florio SGA Judicial Panel