By Jim Shea
Hmm, well for one thing, this is not the type of music you would want to be blasting in front of your parents…in fact, most of your friends will look at you the wrong way if you bring this album into their presence. However, if you happen to be those within Mindless Self Indulgence’s fanbase, then this Left Rights CD will be up your alley.
The Left Rights is nothing more than a “side project” of Mindless Self Indulgence’s Jimmy Urine and Steve Righ? tearing things up. OK, the term “side project” is loosely used here because The Left Rights redefines the “undefining” of music.
Imagine, if you will, two great songwriters, say like Quincy Jones and Paul McCartney, got together, took every drug in existence and produced an album. You will definitely end up with The Left Rights.
Okay, besides that bad example, The Left Rights is a topsy-turvy drive that will somehow make listeners come back for more. There is no question about it that it is directly related to Mindless Self Indulgence’s material, but The Left Rights has that “extra” punch to it. With zany songs like “Fecal Freekle” and “Cinco de Mayo,” a ton of the songs on The Left Rights are parties themselves.
In between songs, there are snippets of sounds and truly bizarre sketches that will not only leave you scratching your head, but also making sure your sanity is still intact.
There truly are not a lot of words to explain the insanity that the two Mindless Self Indulgence members leave behind in The Left Rights, but think of a collection of Sesame Street songs that were performed by the clinically deranged. Take for example “Homineau”. It sounds like the “Muppet Show” took a terrible turn for the worse. Then again, the Left Rights at least have a good sense of humor.
All in all, who in their right mind would want to listen to The Left Rights? Whether you are a brave soul or just really do not care about your musicians being too serious with their music, then The Left Rights might just be your kind of a good time.