Let us start with the article entitled “University Freshman Dies”, written by Tara Conry. For the sake of brevity, I ask that someone read this awkward mess aloud.
Journalism is intended to be objective, is it not? Why then does writer Kelsey Ackerman, in “SAI Presents Campaign Against Coke”, presume that Coca-Cola is guilty of so-called injustices? Or, why does she describe the “rude” and “disgruntled” behavior of the Coke representative, but not the abject behavior of our wonderful SAI members, who after all, slammed a coke bottle against her table?
What exactly are the editors doing when they should be proof-reading? It’s repulsive enough that this university has a functioning organization like Students Against “Injustice”. Perhaps SAI solicited a marketing major to help soften their original name, “Students against Capitalism, Reason, and Objectivism” (SARCO). Please, let’s not make the rest of us, who do not see the world through pink-tinted eyeglasses, vomit.
Regretfully,Allan GrinshteinEvidently Hofstra’s sole advocate of reason