By Meir Mitelman
As Chanukah approaches, I would like to share a few thoughts about the meaning of the holiday.
Chanukah commemorates the dramatic victory of the Maccabees following the three-year long rebellion against the ruling Assyrian-Greek powers and their Jewish Hellenist supporters who set out to destroy Judaism by forbidding its observance. The courage of the Maccabees to fight for their religious convictions and their right to practice their Jewish beliefs continues to be an inspiration.
The revolt culminated with the recapture and purification of the Temple of Jerusalem in 165 B.C.E. and the restoration of its traditional service. (The Hebrew word Chanukah means “dedication” and refers to the rededication of the Temple after it had been defiled with pagan images and practices.)
Focusing on the dedication and not the war, the rabbinic sages emphasized the story about a flask containing a single day’s worth of oil that provided light for the newly cleansed Temple not just for that day, but for seven more, until at last new oil was found to keep the sacred fire burning. That is why we light candles every night for an eight-day celebration.
At a deeper level, there are several important messages about this holiday that can speak to all of us in a profound way. Why, some people ask, do we light candles in ascending order every night (one of the first night going up to eight on the last night) instead of decreasing order (eight on the first night going down to one on the last)? The ancient rabbinic sages’ answer: To teach us that with every day of our lives, we need to do our share to bring more light, more holiness into the world.
How? By treating our friends, family members, co-workers, and strangers with dignity and sensitivity, by doing acts of kindness, by using speech carefully and respectfully, by reaching out to people who are poor and needy and in pain, by speaking out when we see injustice, by being there for others, by acting with integrity and compassion.
Another message of Chanukah: The wonder of being human is our God-given ability to kindle a tiny spark of hope even if we are on the verge of despair. Chanukah celebrates this miracle, as well as the miracle of the small vile of oil burning for seven extra days. The miracle of those extra days of light may represent God’s intervention during difficult times when we could give up, but courageously choose instead to keep on going.
So, this Chanukah, whether you are Jewish or not, whether you believe in God or not, give yourself a real present: The gift of hope, of renewed spirit even as the night grows darkest in the midst of winter. Light a candle in your soul, let the flame be a source of strength and inspiration, and share the light with others.
As all of us in the University community approach our respective celebrations of the holidays, may the light of this season bring joy, warmth, and love to all of us our families, and friends, and peace to all humankind. n