Photo courtesy of Adam Thomas / Unsplash
i woke up in galveston
(that’s where i met you)
the dark stained with blue like a wish
i watched you for hours, asleep right below me
the up & the down of your skin
what it is that i wanted was nothing;
just that you’d save me from wanting
but i was 15, i would have called you
a pink evening primrose or something
i now know why nobody goes
to galveston, texas & stays
the sea wall is honest, high tide is expected
no work can be done in this place
so i grew up in austin
& had awful dreams
of june making strides with aplomb
when i found you, i could breathe easy
(despite all the pain in my lungs)
you already know why i had to set sail
i’m not abbott’s favorite son
but i wound up all over
with so many faces
& loved you again with each one