Photo courtesy of Megan Naftali.
When I first came to Hofstra, I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do with my life. In many ways, I’m still trying to figure that out. During my first semester, I joined various clubs and organizations, and I started to think I had commitment issues because I always left after a few weeks. When I changed my major to journalism during my sophomore year, I didn’t realize it would bring me one step closer to finding a group that made me want to stay. Room 203 in the student center became more like a second home than an office, and the news section became a second family. I could use this space to talk about myself, but I’d rather write about the people who had an impact on me and made my experience unforgettable.
To my partner in crime, Ahjané Forbes, I will never forget the countless memories we have made. You are so much more than my best friend; you are my sister. You always lift me up when I’m down, and if you ever worry that no one sees you for the amazing person you are, know that I see it in you. You are so bright and funny, and you have a great career and life ahead of you. I look forward to all the memories we’ll make once you (hopefully) move closer.
To my strong friend, Madeline Armstrong, if you ever doubt yourself, don’t. I don’t think you realize how impressive you are. I will cherish all the memories we made, from going to Washington, D.C., to speak at Media Fest all the way to decorating potatoes for six hours as a practical joke on the rest of the Chronicle e-board. I can’t wait to hear about all of your upcoming achievements because I know there will be many, and I will be proud of you every step of the way.
To the very sweet Moriah Sukhlal, having you in the news section has been such a breath of fresh air. You have a kindness that I haven’t seen in many people. I have watched you grow into such a great editor, and I have no doubt that I am leaving our section in good hands. I will be there for you if you ever need help or someone to lean on.
To Lily Spinda, you have brought such a fun energy that the Chronicle needed. Even though you just started, I sense you’ll flourish here, and one day, you’ll be an amazing editor too. I look forward to hearing about what you do in the future.
To the rest of the Chronicle staff, thank you for making it such a welcoming place. Working with you all has been such an honor, and I will miss it every day.
To my professors at Hofstra University, especially Scott Brinton, Richard Himelfarb and Carol Fletcher, you have done so much for me; words cannot describe how much I appreciate you. I owe you all so much for seeing my potential and wanting the best for me. No matter where I go or what I end up doing, I will never forget it, and I will carry it with me.
Most importantly, to my mother, who just passed away, thank you for supporting me and believing in me always. I truly owe you everything because I wouldn’t be where I am today without you. I never imagined losing you so soon, and I can’t picture my life without you, but I was lucky enough to have had 21 years with the most beautiful person inside and out. You lived your life trying to help others, and I will live the rest of mine trying to do the same. You were my best friend, and I will love you forever.