Photo courtesy of Alexis Friedman.
Well. It’s time. How can it possibly be time? Even as I’m doing all the senior-y things like picking up my cap and gown, planning for my future or writing this damn senior send-off, it doesn’t feel real.
Out of all my decisions at Hofstra, the one to join the Chronicle made the most difference in my life. My story at Hofstra was one of not knowing quite where I belonged. Sure, I had the soccer team, but that was about the only thing I was certain of.
I changed my major three times, never quite feeling like I belonged in any of them. But eventually, I found journalism and that led me to the Chronicle. I will admit that in the beginning, I still wasn’t sure I belonged. Everyone in the School of Comm had so much experience with their school newspaper or radio station or whatever, and they all knew exactly what they wanted to do – or at least that’s what it felt like to me.
Enter the Chronicle. I am still not super sure what possessed me to apply for assistant copy chief, but boy, am I glad I did.
I have never met a group of people more welcoming, enthusiastic and fun to be around. I remember my first layout – I was a little nervous because I didn’t know anyone in the room or what was even going on – and Jacob made fun of me for asking how we would print a hyperlink. To be fair, that was a stupid question.
From that layout on, I never felt out of place again. The Chron office was one place I knew I belonged. Monday nights became one of my favorite nights – even though sometimes I was violently hungover from a Sunday night out.
So, you all deserve the biggest thank you of my Hofstra career. Thank you for helping me feel at home at this school, showing me there’s more out there than athletics and just being your hilarious, awesome selves.
I am going to miss arguing with Nell over how to format Season 1 or song or band titles. I am going to miss being forced to accept a ride home from Julia and Antonia. I am going to miss wearing the same green sweatshirt every week and just pretending it fits the theme. I am going to miss the endless InDesign struggles, delicious snack and hysterical laughs. In short, I am going to miss the Chronicle with all my heart.
Peace out, Hofstra, and in the famous words of my friend Tennis Ryan: Roll Pride.