New smart card readers are being installed for entrance into the Student Center club offices. HofstraCard Director, Michael Martin, (right) and HofstraCard ID Support Specialist, Kevin Cooper, (left) test the swipe systems. // Photo Courtesy of Michael Martin.
The HofstraCard Services Office, along with several other offices on campus, have plans to upgrade the ID readers on campus to a new system in Aug. 2022. HofstraCards serve as photo ID, swipe access to residence halls and a card that holds a student’s meal plan.
The new system will be touch-based instead of swipe, similar to recent advancements in debit and credit card readers, like cell phone payment systems such as Apple and Google Pay. This new system should be more convenient and easier for Hofstra students and faculty to use, according to HofstraCard Services Director Michael Martin.
Other college campuses, such as Duke University and the Universities of Oklahoma and Alabama, have implemented similar systems and have received positive reviews.
“I have a couple of friends that have that at their schools and I think it works better,” said Devon Reilley, a sophomore marketing major.
Students say the current card systems has been encountering issues recently. Several buildings on campus, including Alliance and Enterprise Hall, have had their front door swipe access stop working. The doors had to be left unlocked. The new system, which is meant to increase security, would rectify this issue, according to Martin.
“Sometimes my swipe won’t read when I’m trying to enter the residence halls,” said Benjamin Letta, a sophomore information systems major.
Along with increasing security and convenience for students, this project could change the way the ID system at Hofstra functions as a whole. This new system could eventually eliminate the need for physical IDs.
“Eventually, you may not even need an ID, you’ll be able to access everything with your phone,” Martin said.
The idea of using your cell phone in place of a physical ID may be appealing for students who find it difficult to remember their IDs, but always carry their cell phone with them.
“I think that would be nice because everyone always has their phone on them and you don’t have to worry about remembering a card,” said Samantha Maroko, a freshman forensic science major.
The project was an effort to find new technology that increases security and convenience for Hofstra residents, Martin added, saying that increasing security and convenience is a core goal of Card Services.
“It’s very important to note that this project is a collaborative effort with the Card Services Office, as well as Public Safety, Student Affairs and the Physical Plant offices,” Martin said. “We ensure students are satisfied and can use their card for dining and access to academic and residential buildings.”