Elizabeth Turley
Elizabeth Turley is a journalism major with minors in American studies and integrated media who will be graduating from Hofstra and December 2020. She has been copy editing for The Chronicle since 2017 and will miss putting snarky comments in the margins for section errors. // Photo courtesy of Katherine Turley.
I really don’t want to write this, because it means acknowledging that my time with The Hofstra Chronicle is coming to an end. Working with The Chron has been one of the most consistent parts of my time here at Hofstra. I started copy editing the fall of my freshman year, back in 2017, and never looked back. Since then, I’ve written for news, collected and compiled the Public Safety Briefs, joined the Copy Board and even written my first op-ed.
This past semester has made me realize Hofstra students are so, so fortunate when it comes to our campus newspaper. Even during a global pandemic, The Hofstra Chronicle is known for maintaining editorial independence from the University as well as for top-notch reporting and journalistic integrity. You know if something big happens, we’ll look for the facts and tell you about it, even as we all balance classes, homework and other clubs.
To the staff of The Chronicle: It has been such an honor to serve on your Copy Board for the last year. Because our job begins after articles are submitted to each section, we don’t have much interaction with writers, but we see you. We know your names, and we’ve seen you improve – it’s amazing to watch.
To the Editorial Board: You are some of the most inspiring, talented people I’ve ever worked with in my life. Thank you for tolerating me (and sometimes even laughing at my jokes) when I decide to be a comedian in the comments on your Word docs, for putting up with my nagging about tiny AP Style things and for sending the social media team links even when I forget to ask for them. I love you all a lot – keep in touch or I promise to kick you all in the kneecaps when I come back for graduation.
To the social media team: I am so impressed by what you all have accomplished over the course of the semester. From a consistent style for Instagram posts to killer 2020 Election graphics, we’ve done so much and learned even more about social media’s role in modern journalism. I cannot wait to see what comes next!
To the Copy Board: Odessa, Antonia, Julia [AM3] – you are three of the people I most want to hug. We’ve had to go through a lot of changes since COVID-19 hit, and you all have gracefully rolled with the punches as the entire paper adjusted to remote work. Together, we’ve navigated the tricky landscape of inclusive language, coronavirus, politics and social justice. I can’t thank the past copy chiefs enough for giving me the opportunity to join this amazing team of fellow punctuation nerds. I’m going to miss you guys so much –please don’t kick me out of the group chat!
I’d also be remiss not to extend heaps of gratitude toward my Hofstra Today team, as well as toward my ride-or-dies in Hofstra Ballroom and Latin Dance.
Thank you to Kelly Fincham and Carol Fletcher for teaching me about the many ways to be a journalist, and to Sophie Hawkins, whose wild imagination and affinity for not-knowing shaped some of the most amazing courses of my college career.
Finally, to Gab, Mel and Drashti: No one has ever done what you are doing right now – managing a completely remote staff of writers, editors and photographers, yet still producing four physical issues of the paper this semester – and I honestly cannot think of any trio I’d trust more to do it. I’m proud to call all of you friends as well as colleagues and am excited to see what’s in store for next semester.