Hofstra University will be resuming in-person classes for the Fall 2020 semester, but with a modified schedule.
“While I was relieved, I do have mixed feelings about returning,” said Victoria Sanna, a senior dance major. “I feel that there is still so much unknown of how the classes are going to go.”
Classes will begin on Monday, Aug. 24, a week earlier than anticipated, and the regularly scheduled fall break will be canceled, leaving Labor Day as the only holiday students will have off.
Undergraduate classes will end right before Thanksgiving break on Tuesday, Nov. 24, after which all students will be able to travel home for the holiday and stay there for the rest of the academic year. Finals will run remotely from Wednesday, Dec. 1 to Tuesday, Dec. 8.
These changes to the calendar will minimize students’ travel to and from campus during breaks.
“I wish that the school year and breaks were not shortened,” said Somanshu Ghotra, a senior neuroscience major. “But if that’s what is needed to have in-person classes at all, I think it’s a pretty good alternative.”
Classes and on-campus activities will resume, but a combination of in-person, hybrid and online opportunities will be offered for multiple classes. Online classes will be offered for students who are abroad and not able to return to class in the fall.
“Not only was adjusting to online classes hard, but I am from the West Coast and I was taking 9:30 a.m. classes at 6:30 a.m.,” Sanna said.
Classes will be reduced in size and some will be moved to larger classrooms to comply with social distancing guidelines.
Many students struggled with online classes and lost all motivation and focus. “I was taking [organic chemistry], [biochemistry] and physics, and those classes are impossible to stay on track with [while] learning and studying alone,” Ghotra said. “I needed the in-class instruction to help me.”
“As a dance major, the majority of my classes are movement-based,” Sanna said. “Every dance major had [a] different space in their homes, so everyone had different abilities to move, and it was harder to see the movements from our professors because we were looking at a small screen.”
Deans and department chairs of each school are working hard to continue providing excellent learning and opportunities in the safest way possible. Northwell Health has also been part of the decision-making process on whether or not it is safe for the university to reopen.
“Hofstra’s partnership with Northwell Health really puts me at ease,” said Rachel Luscher, a sophomore journalism major. “Reopening, in general, is always a balance between health and economics – a lot of businesses and institutions are going to try to make as much money as possible, because that’s what makes the world go ‘round. But I feel like at Northwell Health, they will make sure that Hofstra really does take health into consideration.”
“We are continuing to work to ensure that each student has the access and opportunity they need, in an environment that is safe, dynamic and effective,” said Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Herman A. Berliner in a statement.
Hofstra will be complying with all requirements of New York’s state and local health departments, such as wearing masks and social distancing.
Students will be moving by appointment to ensure social distancing and will be given more details about move in, Welcome Week and other information in the next few weeks.
“I’m really thankful [Hofstra] put the time into thinking about a detailed plan,” Luscher said. “Nobody wanted a semester remotely again, I think I can speak for the majority of the student body – nobody enjoyed that.
“I feel safe about going back in the fall because I know Hofstra has a team of experts that are constantly thinking of new ideas and making sure we’re safe in every capacity.”