Elizabeth Turley
On Feb. 20 at 8 a.m., a Hofstra student reported that another Hofstra student had violated a no-contact order when the student sat next to them in class. PS responded to the location in Berliner Hall and the student who violated the order was issued a referral to OCS.
On Feb. 20 at 7 p.m., a Hofstra student reported that he had received a random phone call at approximately 5 p.m. requesting information. The student gave the caller his social security number and banking information. He later became concerned that he might have been a victim of a scam and requested police assistance. The NCPD was notified and an investigation is being conducted into this matter.
On Feb. 24 at 1 a.m., a Hofstra student reported that when he left campus at 10 a.m. on Feb. 23, his $960 pair of designer Gucci sneakers was secured in his room. When he returned to campus at 1 a.m., the sneakers were gone. The student called all of his suitemates, but none of them knew what happened to the sneakers. Police assistance was declined at this time. An investigation is being conducted into this matter by PS.
OCS: Office of Community Standards
PS: Public Safety
NCPD: Nassau County Police Department