Student Government Association (SGA)’s opening meetings occurred the week of Monday, Sept. 9, where committees finalized their allocated funds for the semester. The Spirit Committee will receive $20,450, the Leadership Committee will receive $11,750, the Student Services Committee will receive $9,610, the Public Relations Committee will receive $629.54 and the Appropriations and Rules committees will receive zero dollars, as they did not express a need for any funding.
The appropriations committee allocated 92.96% of the requested funds from clubs that week.
The Public Relations Committee moved to expand SGA’s efficacy by partnering with student governments at other local schools and by fostering closer relationships with Hofstra clubs through club attendance and promotion.
Sen. Gopal Khandelwal was appointed temporary archivist and Sen. Jack McDonough was appointed to the Ethics and Conduct Chair.
The week of Monday, Sept. 16, SGA reaffirmed an Office of Student Life and Engagement (OSLE) policy, stating that clubs that put posters on their office doors must get approval from OSLE to do so.
The Rules Committee subsequently met with the e-boards of The Hofbeats and Makin’ Treble. The Hofbeats were approved for SGA-recognized status, meaning that they will have access to SGA funding among other perks. The committee struck the application for Makin’ Treble, citing the club as “contradictory to the preamble” of SGA on the basis that it is an audition-based organization.
As for other clubs, 66.7% of the requested budgets were fulfilled that week. The Senate also debated how to better regulate club’s office hours, citing tracking swipes or a sign-in sheet as possible solutions.
The Senate also delved deeper into plans for library renovations, citing a survey of 1,095 students who largely expressed a need for Wi-Fi in all library study rooms and for the purchase of new furniture for the fourth through tenth floors of Axinn Library. Sen. Kelly Rose is working with administration to ensure that renovations are accessible to students with disabilities. The resolution did not specify the cost of these operations. The passing of the resolution does not guarantee renovations will take place, just that SGA has requested the proper administrators make it a priority.
The week of Monday, Sept. 21, SGA ratified the Constitutions of the National Society of Black Engineers and the Hofstra Hedge Fund Association, solidifying their statuses as SGA-recognized clubs. The Flying Dutchmen, a men’s acapella group, also applied to be recognized by SGA, and this motion was later passed.
Compass Food Group, which provides food services to campus, also put out a call for current SGA members to sit in on a board to facilitate student center renovations scheduled for 2020. This comes after major renovations to the Student Center during this past summer.
SGA senators also discussed restructuring the nature of their governing body. Chairman Joey Alameda said the proposal would “potentially be the biggest change to SGA ever.” Under the new rules, committees would be eliminated in favor of a two chambered-house. No further action has been taken at this time to implement the proposal, as the debate is ongoing.
Additionally, a resolution was passed granting the Comptroller, Rhea Bathija, authority to freeze club budgets if they fail to adhere to SGA standards. Senators hope this will act as an enforcement mechanism for rules and regulations set forth by SGA.
Of the clubs that applied for funds this week, 35.36% of the requests were fulfilled.