The office of Student Advocacy and Prevention Awareness teamed up with Hofstra University’s arm of the It’s On Us social movement to spread awareness on campus during Dating Violence Awareness Week, which ran from Oct. 14-18. The week-long campaign highlighted the programs and resources available for Hofstra students that may be subject to dating violence and aimed to help put an end to the stigma surrounding domestic violence.
According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, one in four women and one in seven men over the age of 18 will experience some sort of domestic violence in their lifetime. Dating Violence Awareness Week worked to acknowledge that these situations occur and show young people that relationships should not result in harmful interactions.
“When you think of domestic violence you think of married couples who are off on their own, but it can occur to anyone in any situation,” said sophomore sociology major and Title IX student aid Molly Steinberg.
On Oct. 14, Steinberg encouraged students in the Student Center Atrium to sign a pledge for the Purple Hearts Campaign, stating they will not remain silent if they report experiences or are awareness of instances of dating violence.
Several students received t-shirts featuring the phrase “Love Shouldn’t Hurt,” a message that resonates with Steinberg and other college students. “Nobody should have to put themselves out there to feel love. Nobody should have to go through abuse to feel love,” Steinberg said.
Students were also encouraged to paint one fingernail purple, the color that represents dating violence awareness. Assistant Director of the Office of Student Advocacy and Prevention Awareness Kathleen Lieblich said she hopes these actions will show Hofstra’s acknowledgement of the issue as well as resources available to combat it.
“Talking about these issues out in the open is the best way to prevent and address dating and domestic violence, so that we can best care for ourselves and support our peers,” Lieblich said.
Resource Day, held on Oct. 15, displayed the off campus support available at The Safe Center Long Island. Resources on campus include: Public Safety, Hofstra’s Title IX Officer, the Student Advocacy and Prevention Awareness Office and the Student Health and Counseling Center, where students can file report of incidents.
Title IX Officer for Student Issues Allison Vernace said she wants any students hesitant to come forward to feel safe about confiding in any of the resources available. “There are support services and resources available both on and off campus to help you. You aren’t alone,” Vernace said.