Taylor Rose Clarke- NEWS EDITOR
On March 21 at 11:40 a.m., while conducting health and safety inspections in Nassau Hall, an RD reported that a clear, glass bong was found in open view inside a resident’s room. PS responded and confiscated the drug paraphernalia. The student will be issued a referral to OCS.
On March 23 at 1:30 a.m., an RSR reported to PS that two individuals climbed over the Netherlands north turnstile. PS responded and located the individuals who were identified as non-students. They were taken to the Hofstra Information Center and banned from campus. A referral was issued to the resident that was being visited for a violation of the Hofstra ID policy.
On March 23 at 8 p.m., while on patrol in Breukelen house, PS observed the odor of marijuana coming from a room inside the residence hall. The PS officer knocked on the door and the resident was inside. A clear bag of marijuana was visible under the resident’s bed. The drugs were confiscated and the resident was issued a referral to OCS for drug abuse violation.
On March 25 at 10 a.m., an RD reported that while conducting health and safety inspections, a glass bong with residue of marijuana was found inside a resident’s room. The items were confiscated and the student was issued a referral to OCS.
On March 28 at 9 a.m., a Hofstra student reported to PS that she had parked her car at noon on Wednesday, March 27, in the Maurice A. Dean School of Law parking lot. When she returned at 10 p.m. that same day, her Louis Vuitton bag and its contents, valued at $2,500, were removed from the vehicle. A search was conducted which proved negative. The Hempstead Police Department was notified, responded and took report for larceny.